So let me tell you about my friend, Casey. She is impressive, ya'll. She has three little boys- and I'm talkin' ALL BOY boys. They are stair steps really. Adorable, funny, and unique little guys, they are. And she has her Big Guy, too. So much testosterone. It just doesn't quite seem fair. So I try to make sure she knows that she is a Princess and that I will do my best to give her some good girly fun anytime she might want it.

And the girl is cute. I mean caaaaute! She did this whole weight watchers thing and she has already reached her goal. She worked really hard, but seriously in my opinion, she didn't have far to go...'cause did I tell ya'll...the girl is caaaaute! And she runs...seriously, she RUNS, people. She is committed and very goal oriented. Probably why she is so caaaaute, right? Stinkin' cute, actually.
Casey also has a sense of humor like few women I know. That's why she is my friend. I can be warped with her and she doesn't mind...or she loves me enough in Jesus not to tell me that she minds. She really makes me laugh, too. A lot. That's important in a friend, don't you think?
Another thing I love about my friend Casey is that she is like this multi-talented chick, ya know. Like she can cook and scrapbook and make all these cute things with scissors and paper and glue. I use those things and all I make are messes. See, I told you she impresses me.
Here is another thing she does very well that I don't...organize. See for every Bible study that I teach, Casey comes along side me and makes sure we have books, a place to meet, the announcements made, notices in the bulletins, all of those CRITICAL things that I tend to forget. I just want to talk. She makes sure I have someone to talk to. She may do it just so she won't have to listen to me all the time. She needs some other women to share her burden!
You know what my favorite thing about Casey is, though? She loves Jesus. I mean really loves Him. Enough to sacrifice for Him, enough to serve Him, enough to make sure her little boys know Him, enough to teach junior high girls Sunday School class (eek!!), enough to submit to and respect her man instead of choking him-while still stating her opinion very articulately! And she loves Him enough to be an adventurer, too. I just found out that she will be hosting 22 junior high girls for D-Now this weekend. Wow!!
But now do you know what my favorite of the favorite things about her is? She loves Him enough to know all my junk and love me anyway. She knows my garbage and doesn't think I stink because of it. . She even wrote me a note recently saying that she had learned so much from me. That made me cry. It stunned me. I cried. It humbled me. Oh, and did I mention she made me cry?
And she even shares her garbage with me. 'Cause it's safe for her to do that. Ya know why? 'Cause I love that girl!!!! That's all. I just love Casey Cody. Because...she is my friend. My real, true friend.
"Friends love through all kinds of weather." Proverbs 17:17a The Message
Awwww! And what a great friend you are for letting her know! Everyone needs to hear that stuff from time to time-especially busy moms! You are so sweet.
Cindy you are so sweet and too kind! I don't even have words to say what your blog entry means to me. I missed you at the party. I'm glad I have a friend that still loves me even though she knows all about my ugly side! Thanks for being my friend. I love ya!
Hi Cindy!
It is AWESOME to have such a friend...you are truly blessed! I appreciated your tribute to her...she sounds like an incredible woman...
I think that about you too girl...you are incredible!
Have a great week!!
Hugs & Blessings,
Becky S.
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