Monday, January 19, 2009


No deep, passionate thoughts tonight. Just this. Jimmy burnt the popcorn. My whole house stinks. Ewwww. Stinky, smelly eeewwwwwww. Men should learn that the popcorn button on the microwave doesn't mean you can camp in the bathroom while it pops and expect it to come out perfect. Can I get an amen? God love him.


Lyndsey Newton said...

I'm gonna be really honest and tell you that I read your comment ALL wrong. I skimmed it and I would swear you said "camp in the bathroom while he POOPS and it all come out perfect" wow. I hate that smell too-tell him I can smell it all the way up the hill! See you tomorrow......

Lyndsey Newton said...

Thank you for my comment-and I appreciate your not saying anything in class, I don't know everyone in there. You were right, it really hit home to me especially because I want to be a mom so badly. Also because my aunts parents were killed in a car accident in June and I really thought of her. Even though she is older, both of her parents were gone in a matter of seconds. I am looking forward to what this study brings-

Lyndsey Newton said...

I am not a blog stalker, but this link above is why I started to comment in the first place and then I forgot. I think it ties in with our study, and maybe you can use some of the examples in class-they could go into our RED BOOK!