Casey and I - along with 505 other women- had a wonderful and unique opportunity this weekend. At the beginning of 2009 we accepted a challenge by Beth Moore to memorize two scriptures each month. We were to log onto her blog, post our sriptures, write them on our notecards and, well, WORK HARD to memorize them. A few months later, Beth revealed her plans to celebrate the accomplishment by inviting anyone who memorized their verses to a special event at FBC Houston. Casey and I did it!! And we went!! Casey drove us to Houston; we settled in at the hotel, and we were off! That small group (honestly Beth's events are known to have upwards of 10,ooo+!!) met at the church Friday night and Saturday morning. Travis Cottrell leading worship and Beth Moore teaching - Now that is my idea of celebration!!
It was an amazing weekend of worship and learning at the feet of a true servant of God. We got to eat good food, have sweet girl time, laugh and cry together, meet many of our blogging friends face-to-face, and then to top it off for me, we had lunch before we left with Gina - truly one of my very dearest lifetime friends - and her sweet daughter Ashley. God truly blessed me with a wonderful weekend.
Now any of you who know us, know that Casey and I are Beth Moore groupies. SERIOUSLY. If she teaches it, we study it. If she recommends it, we try it. If she says it, we listen. If she invites us, we go! And we, of course, made sure that we were at the church early to be able to get a great seat. And we did!! Up close and personal with one whom I consider to be one of the most annointed teachers of our time. I mean that genuinely. She can bring the Word of God to life like few others can.
BUT - Friday night, during the event and even later as I tried to sleep I felt a certain uneasiness. I couldn't figure it out, but I couldn't seem to shake it. I woke up before 5 a.m. and as I lay there in the stillness and the quiet, I began to pray and ask God to reveal Himself to me so that I could understand what this nagging unrest was. He did. And it was so obvious. And it was so convicting. And it was so good. I needed it. IT was perspective. IT was priority. IT was this question posed by my God,
"So, how many of those women, including you, who are so quick to line up early and rush through the doors to see my servant are as quick to rush to sit at My feet?" Then He got really personal, "How many days do you literally drag yourself to your quiet place for an audience, not of 500 to 1, but 1 on 1, with Me - God Almighty, Lord of ALL?"
"So, how many of those women, including you, who are so quick to line up early and rush through the doors to see my servant are as quick to rush to sit at My feet?" Then He got really personal, "How many days do you literally drag yourself to your quiet place for an audience, not of 500 to 1, but 1 on 1, with Me - God Almighty, Lord of ALL?"
Ouch. That hurt. Actually it broke my heart. I confessed my sin before my God and arose that day forgiven and ready to start afresh, but the question continues to follow me. Honestly, any eyes that fall on these words, I hope it rattles YOU, too. We are so excited about so many things we go to see, people we hear, events we attend, and yet, our time with Him is often last on the list and often undone. Or even when done, as part of our 'routine' or done in a rush or half-heartedly. Never doubt, sweet one, that although He is unseen, He remains greater, more vast, and more powerful than anything that IS seen. My prayer tonight is that He would simply blow our minds with the overwhelming knowing of HIM - The Great I AM. Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer - HE IS EVERYTHING. Let's rush to Him. To await what He will tell us, to sit in His presence, to feel His good pleasure. Come running, sweet one. He is waiting with arms wide open!